Respect and love for Man, the Earth and its fruits guide our work because it is from Nature that our philosophy of well-being originates. There are many projects aimed at helping the environment and good practices to which Bios Line is committed, in practice, every day:

Bios Line is involved in the LifeGate’s Zero Impact® project. The CO2 emissions created by the company’s activities are compensated by carbon credits generated by the creation and the protection of growing forests.
Since 2008 we have been part of Zero Impact®, the LifeGate’s project. Zero Impact® calculates, reduces and offsets the CO2 emissions generated by activities, products, services and events by contributing to the creation and protection of forests growing both in Italy and around the world. We have therefore made our business Zero Impact® for the past 8 years, contributing to the protection of an annual average of 74,000 m² of forest in Costa Rica and Madagascar. Zero Impact® has given us the opportunity of being fully aware of the environmental impact of our business, improving our sustainability path communicating it at its best and, obviously, offsetting our CO2 emissions by supporting projects for the creation and protection of growing forests.

Bios Line also adheres to the Zero Impact® Web project to contribute to fight global warming. The emissions deriving from the visits to our site will be compensated by the creation and protection of the forests in Costa Rica.
As a matter of fact, even if it has already been done a lot to reduce CO2 emissions, the Internet pollutes too. According to a Greenpeace report, with today’s growth rate, in 2020 data centers and communication networks will use about 2,000 kilowatts/hour, about three times their current consumption. For this reason Bios Line has even decided to make its site zero impact. Another way to create awareness and reduce the environmental impact of our daily actions.

Bios Line recycles packaging and uses cardboard rather than plastic when filling the packages. It also promotes the recycling of the used packaging by the points of sale and end consumers. Every time you choose a Bios Line product, you contribute tangibly to safeguarding our Planet.

For all its printing (catalogues, price lists, information material, promotional leaflets, etc.) and shipping packaging Bios Line uses paper from plantations managed according to environmentally sustainable principles and certified in compliance with the Forest Stewardship Council standards.

Bios Line has installed in its headquarter a photovoltaic system with 300 polycrystal solar panels with a 60 kwh power, capable of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 36 tons a year.
Moreover, Bios Line purchases electricity and gas only from renewable sources (GSE [Gestore dei Servizi Energetici] certificate).
Bios Line prefers km 0 suppliers, or suppliers as near as possible to the company’s headquarters, with the aim of cutting down on waste and contain CO2 emissions. The same logic is followed also in the choice of collaborators and employees: in fact, next to the high professionalism required to become part of our team, residence near our site is an important plus.

Bios Line intends to promote the knowledge and clarity of the information with regard to animal testing. The total ban on testing and marketing cosmetic ingredients and products tested on animals came into force all over the European Union on 11 March 2013 with the new cosmetic regulations No. 1223/2009. After a long process of gradual bans that lasted almost 20 years, the official NO to all tests on animals in the cosmetic sector finally came into being. To guarantee quality, effectiveness and product safety for customers, Bios Line uses methods other than tests on animals, carrying out in vitro or dermatological tests in co-operation with the best Italian universities and supports FRAME – Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (
FRAME focus on finding, researching and promoting alternatives to animals and are working towards a world where non-animal methods are accepted as scientific best practice. The charity is dedicated to the development of new, valid and ethical scientific methods that will replace the need for laboratory animals in research.